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eperson.contributor.advisorPornkasem Kantamara-
dc.contributor.authorSataporn Rattanasetyuth-
dc.identifierTP HRM.016 2014-
dc.description.abstractEmployee Engagement is the one key success factors of the Human Resource Management Strategy of organization in current. The reason, the organizations which can create the engagement for the high performers or talents, they will retain them to work with organization as a long time and the organization will still retain the knowledge and experience of them as well. For the State Financial Institute or non-profit organizations which have the limited budget are necessary to focus on the right way to motivate these groups. The survey and in-depth interviewing are the one method which can probe and capture the desire of them correctly. The study survey of the fifteen executives and thirty-five non-executives level who have more than five years of services, the starting period of engagement actually. The survey results reveal that the key factors of engagement of both executives and non-executives are similar which combines with the fairness of performance management and promotion, meaningful work, connectedness with leader and colleagues which lead to teamwork, Collaboration with cross function or department and growth in high position level finally. KEY WORDS: Employee Engagement / Motivational factors / Satisfaction / Loyalty / Performance Results-
dc.subjectLeadership and Human Resource Management-
dc.subjectEmployee satisfaction-
dc.titleThe factors that affect the engagement of employees- A case study at a state financial institute in Thailand.-
dc.typeThematic Paper-
Appears in Collections:Thematic Paper

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