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Title: Key success factors of information flow for EDI along the supply chain: a case study of Thai utility provider.
Authors: Kanwara Pontongmuang
Keywords: Innovation in Management
Supply chain
Thesis -- College of management, Mahidol Universit
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2019
Publisher: มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Citation: 2015
Abstract: This study aims to explore the key success factors for of information flow for EDI along the supply chain and the basic factors that an organization must have in order achieve success and improve the performance and power of information flow. Case study methodology is used for interviewing fifteen senior managers of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). The study found communication and collaboration, knowledge sharing, work skill development, policy and regulation, hierarchy of the organization, research development, innovation, and technology development, generation gaps, information management, mobile application, and prepare for the changes, as the key success factors of information flow for their organization. The basic factors which are the infrastructure that the organization must have in order to achieve the key success factors of information flow have been described. The results can be analyzed to plan or adjust strategy, and adapt to the changes of new technology in the competitive environment. Moreover, the results can assist managers in similar industries to realize the key success factors of information flow for EDI along the supply chain management for better performance.
Other Identifiers: TH IM.001 2015
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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