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Title: Thais attitude towards viral video and factor influencing user-generated content through facebook in Bangkok, Thailand.
Authors: Wongwarin Kumthongmak
Keywords: Marketing and Management
User-generated content
Issue Date: 21-Jan-2020
Publisher: มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Citation: 2019
Abstract: The study aims to understand Thais attitude towards viral video and the factor influencing user-generated content through Facebook. It is important for the brands to know what’s people think and like to create the content or viral video that direct to the users’ needs and influence them to share the content on their feed. Qualitative research methodology was applied in the research eight persons participated in the interview age from 18-34. These participants were from Bangkok who used Facebook and used to have experiences in creating UGC. The result revealed that most of users create a positive word-of-mouth if the contents that they see match with their lifestyle and users can gain some benefit from it. Most of customers tend to share valuable content more than the general content for grabbing attention because they don’t want to make their feed look bad and protect their image from their Facebook’s friends. However, the political issue and disgusting contents will still be the contents that most of users do not pay attention and do not share on their feed.
Other Identifiers: TP MM.027 2019
Appears in Collections:Thematic Paper

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