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Title: Factors affecting specialty coffee beans subscription deciston making in Thailand
Authors: Kan Santigul
Keywords: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Specialty coffee
Purchase decision
Perceived ease of use
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Mahidol University
Abstract: The study investigates the factors influencing decision-making in specialty coffee beans subscription service in Thailand. It is aimed to identify which factors in 4Ps marketing, Perceived Ease of Use, and Consumer Attitude affect to consumer decision. This study is conducted by using quantitative methodology focusing to survey 400 Thai’s specialty coffee consumers in Thailand based. The finding finds that only demographic factors do not have significant influence on consumer’s decision making. It is indicated that brand information and trustworthiness has the most influence, followed by price and promotion, attitude, service membership and condition, and convenience. To implicated, researcher suggest creating easy-to-use platform, setting a clear subscription period and offering a variety of subscription duration options, and providing valuable product with valuable subscription price would be a great idea to develop the business.
Description: 103 leaves
Appears in Collections:Thematic Paper

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