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Keywords: Entrepreneurship Management
Issue Date: 13-May-2014
Publisher: มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Citation: 2014
Abstract: In 2012, the SMEs were accounted for 37% of the overall GDP of Thailand (OSMEP, 2012). Knowledge Management (KM) is a critical area for SMEs in competitive market environment based on the fact that the intangible assets creates more values for organization than tangible one (Volkov & Garanina, 2007). The purpose of this thematic paper is determine the knowledge gaps of salespersons in Thai SMEs. The paper adopted a case study approach involving five participants; owner, manager and three salespersons from a Thai SME. The data collected through face-to-face interview and non-participant observation. The results show that there are mismatching between the owner’s expectation and salesperson understanding about responsibilities due to the absence of actual job description. The key knowledge and skills necessary that had not been mentioned by salespersons will identify as knowledge gaps. While the scope of identified knowledge was similar, the gaps was found in term of insufficient level of knowledge that salespersons possess. This study was limited to small amount of interviewees participated in the research. The lack of understanding about KM of interviewees might cause confusion and misunderstanding. The entrepreneur should consider on identifying knowledge necessary and knowledge available to enhance learning process within organization and trying to minimize or eliminate the gaps. KEY WORDS: Knowledge Management/ Knowledge Gaps/ Salespersons/ SMEs/ Thailand
Other Identifiers: TP EM.014 2557
Appears in Collections:Thematic Paper

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