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Showing results 218 to 237 of 252 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-01-15The impact of climate change challenges fashion retail.Nopbhanant Bhisawong
2015-05-07The impact of international organizational corporate culture on staff satisfaction: a case study.Amita Hardat
2019-10-11The impact of leadership style on staff's performance and job satisfaction of generation Y in the company.Poontharika Jiropas
2015-05-07The impact of non-verbal communication on referent power at work.Withoon Hardat
2020-11-06The importance of retirement planning: How it effects late-life satisfacton.Mutzee Phornphibul
2016-04-18The important factors influencing music teacher for self-developing in Thailand's private music schools.Natthida Vechapate
2016-05-26The important of client relationship marketing practices in oil and gas industry.Prangsiri Salubsee
2015-06-11The influence of social media on Thai consumers online behavior.Prathana Sinthukiow
2018-11-19The influencing factors of job satisfaction in healthcare industry.Suphansa Kangwanpiboon
2020-12-17The key factors influencing Y generation's decision and motivation of family business inheritance in Thailand.Tanika Kierasawat
2018-11-13The key factors leading to successful tutorial school in southern Thailand: case study of Chem-Ou school.Kunyapak Limchunseng
2020-09-22The key factors to build an effective self-organizing team in Thailand during the vuca world environment.Samatchaya Jamorn
2020-12-18The outlook of the fishing industry under the limitation of the labour force in Thailand.Sivach Panyarux
2016-03-24The perceived effect of lean manufacturing on Thai garment shop floor workers and how to sustain the lean culture.Kritsapas Kanjanamekanant
2020-12-18The perception of travellers towards the services of an airport boutique hotel.Metus Jenjesda
2014-07-29The perspective of lower level Thai staff toward Japanese management culture in Japanese organization.Napat Pongsamart
2020-03-10The results of an ambitious project implemented in a multicultural environment: challenges and lessons learned from the pilgreens project.Karen Koulakian
2020-11-06The role of transformational leadership on job satisfaction in Thai millennials.Thanatcha Santayakorn
2016-03-24The study of push and pull motivation factors of Chinese tourists coming to Bangkok, Thailand.Nattakarn Premgamol